Our Stories
S. is 16 years old and is from Kurdistan. He has been in Greece for three years. Due to his age, he had to follow 1st grade of Greek high school, in a language he does not understand. Through KYCLOS lessons, he has learned the basics and continues. As his father said "he can now ask questions and communicate with his teachers. The classes at KYKLOS helped my son feel better in public school. With time, he will do better."
Fatimeh is a young mother from Afghanistan. Her husband has been in Greece for the past 16years. She came two years ago and here, she gave birth to her son. In KYCLOS she has found new friends, she learned and still is learning Greek and she issued through our organisation all necessary documents for her everyday life (tax attestation number, social security number, unemployment card, transportation card and a bank account). Also, she was assisted in enrolling her son to the public kindergarten.
T. is from Afghanistan. He came to Greece unaccompanied and a minor. He has never lived in Afghanistan since his parents were also refugees in Iran when the Taliban started the war. In Iran, as an Afghan, he had no legal documents, no right to go to school, not even a sim card in his name. In Iran, he had been racially attacked as a child, because he is from Afghanistan. Of course his parents had no rights either. As he was in danger, he left for Europe even though he was only 15 years old. In Greece, he came to KYKLOS, learned Greek, found friends, networked and socialized. Through social services, he arranged for the necessary documents for his life here. He joined the community and slowly became a teacher for the new students. He was in charge for mens language course. Although his students are older than him, through teaching, he has earned their respect. He remembers one day he was on the bus and met one of his students. His student got up from the chair and said "sit down teacher". T. didn't believe it, as he said "I felt like I'm somebody now". Through the vocational rehabilitation program he found a job and was able to live independently when he became an adult. In addition, through the housing program he found a home together with two other friends. At KYKLOS, he also learned to make soaps and cook. He made a life of his own. After 5 years he decided to set a new beginning in another European country but he could not make roots there, so he returned to Greece where he felt confident with the way of life, is not afraid and can stand on his own feet. T. is a very important member of KYCLOS community and has offered more than what has been offered to him.
S. is from Kurdistan. She came to Greece 3 years ago, while her husband came first, 15 years ago. S. originally came to KYKLOS as her three children were in great need of support in public school lessons, especially in Greek language. She also followed Greek language courses and eventually became the best student in her class! After all, in her country she was a teacher, so she probably has a way of getting familiar with languages quickly! Therefore, she can also help her children with their homework. Her dream is for her children to study in Greece and for her to become a teacher here.
KYCLOS has taught many illiterate people to write. Ιn fact, the first language they ever learned to write was Greek. Z. from Afghanistan is for KYCLOS the most extraordinary and touching example. Mother of 7 children, also having grandchildren, she came to Greece. She never gave up, even though she used to say "I can't learn". The first thing she was taught was how to hold a pencil. The alphabet took her a few months... Today she is the best student in her class. She is also the best in explaining others how to write. At KYCLOS, she also cooks, sews and teaches embroidery. Through our housing and job settlement program, she has found a home, her adult children are working and minors are in public school. Z. is a great example of how refuges we can learn from us, as much as we can learn from them. First things are, probably, human strength and will.
Yonki's family from Indonesia was staying without a contract at a small basement. Today, they stay legally, at the Exarchia area close to KYCLOS in a two bedroom apartment. As a result, their son can come to the organisation by himself. Also, KYCLOS' accommodation team has arranged for all necessary documentation and has been mediating between the family and the house owner so that everything is typical and each side feels safe and self confident.
Hussain is from Afghanistan and he is 15years old. He has been a KYCLOS' beneficiary for the last two years. While growing up he expressed the will to learn martial arts. Our specialists encouraged his idea to get involved in sports where he could learn about creative competition, self defence and team work while at the same time he would make new friends in a safe environment. KYCLOS, obtained a scholarship for him and also for three other refugee children in collaboration with the "White Tiger".
Eymad is from Egypt. He has been in Greece for the last 10months. In KYCLOS he studies Greek. It is the first language in which he can actually write, as in his country he had never been to school.
Ahab is from Egypt. He came to Greece a year ago. At KYCLOS he is learning Greek. Also, he was supported by the organisation's social services and legal counselling. Through that, he was able to issue legal documents. When KYCLOS' specialists thought that Ahab was in the proper life stage, integrationally wise, they mediated and brought him into contact with a local employer. Today, the refugee is working as a plasterboard assistant.
A. is from Iran. She used to be in Greece with her husband and her daughter. A. is a survival of sexual and gender based violence (SGBV survivor). Through women' s empowerment sessions of KYCLOS she made trust in the group and was able to share her situation. Our organisation reacted accordingly and today, with the assistance of the suitable actors, she lives in a safe environment with her daughter and also she has taken full custody.